Can not receive payment


Hi guys,

I have problem receiving money on my paypal account. My email is verified my mastercard is verified, but noone can send me money. I have contacted customer support few times but I did not get any answer. My friend had same problem and customer support service, answered after only few hours, it was paypal's bug and they fixed it for him.

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Please provide more detail about what is happening.  You say "no one can send me money"..??  What does that mean?  Are they getting some sort of a particular error?  Does it look like it worked but then you dont' get anything?  What exactly is going on?

Angell EYE -
PayPal Partner and Certified Developer - Kudos are Greatly Appreciated!
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No it never worked. I decided to stop using my fathers paypal acc, so I made my own. And new acc never worked. Few friends have tried to send me money and all of them got same error "We can't send your payments right now. If the problem continues please contact Customer Support"

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Frequent Advisor
Frequent Advisor

I guess you'll need to contact customer service since you have provided details about the error and exactly what you were doing to cause the error.

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Read orignal post once again:


Hi guys,

I have problem receiving money on my paypal account. My email is verified my mastercard is verified, but noone can send me money. I have contacted customer support few times but I did not get any answer. My friend had same problem and customer support service, answered after only few hours, it was paypal's bug and they fixed it for him.

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Frequent Advisor
Frequent Advisor

More information needed about the origin of the funds being sent and also verification of email address being used.


For specific information you need to phone PayPal customer service.  It WILL take a lot of patience and a high level of persistence.

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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor

Take a look at your account settings, particularly the Payment Receiving settings which you can access by going on to Seller Preferences, the Block Payment section.  If your friend is sending you money there is a setting in regards to receiving money via send money tab.

Kudos & Solved are greatly appreciated. 🙂
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My friend is trying to send me money. Everything seems to be ok in  Block Payment section. Tried calling paypal customer service since they did not answered my messages, but as foreigner I could not reach USA nor Europe customer center..

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