Forum Posts

Resolved! How do I get a TransactionId from an OrderId using the V2 REST API?

Hi, I'm using the V2 REST API (with the PayPalCheckoutSdk) to capture an authorization for an order created with the PayPal Smart Payment Buttons. The problem I'm facing, is that after I capture the authorized Order, I need a way to get the Transacti...

jlacosse by Contributor
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what is sender_batch_id and sender_item_id in Paypal payout api? are using the above api documentation for integrating payout api with our laravel web app.Can't seem to figure out what values need to be passed on following variables: 1. sender_batc...

Mohit10 by Contributor
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Webhook validation not working in sandbox

I am working to validate the Paypal webhook post to my site and I am having some problems. I have all the data that's required, and the post to /v1/notifications/verify-webhook-signature is returning a 200, but it's returning a verification_status of...

SnowSailor by New Community Member
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I have merchant account in india. and i got verified my account with indian bank account. Also my currency is INR. I am trying to do payout using REST API's can anyone tell me to fix quickly as soon as possi...

Checkout page language issue

I am trying to integrate with the PayPal Rest API and I have a problem when trying to create the checkout urls. I have tried with various locales but it doesn't always work. Accepted values are "it-IT", "en-GB", "da-DK", "ja-JP", but for example I ca...

Payouts not working with live Credentials

I have code that works perfectly when in sandbox mode. However, when switching to live mode, I get a 'Authorization Error' issue. I've double checked that I'm using the right credentials and URLs, but I just get an authentication error. This is the c...

Resolved! PayPal api trying to find the fee amount deducted from the payment

I'm trying to find the PayPal "fee" deduction attribute of a payment submitted. I don't see this value provided in the response I get from creating the payment. The payment is properly accepted by PayPal, I can see that payment in my account. What I ...

Resolved! Sandbox Payouts Being Denied

Setting up mass payouts, (using the Payouts API) on the sandbox to test it with my web store. I make the call to create the batch and it returns a 201 and the batch is successfully created. I'm able to check the status of my batch using it's ID and f...

lachlan_ by Contributor
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