Forum Posts

Not Getting buyers phone number in return

i am using this package @paypal/react-paypal-js to integrate PayPal payment gateway in my next js website. I am using my sandbox account to test transactions. everything is working fine just I am not getting buyers phone number in returned object in ...

showing custom_id information in a subscription

I'm trying to pass a serial number into a subscription that shows on the buyer side when the purchase a subscription.  I'm trying to pass this information in the custom_id variable.  Here's the code:<form><label for="serial_number">Serial Number(s):<...

jetmanjim by New Community Member
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Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 400

My WooCommerce PayPal Checkout page won't work, the PayPal button doesn't show out, in the right corner, a round button is keep running,  attached is the screenshot. Opened the console and found an error message as below: >

jazzi2 by Contributor
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paypal price split message not generating

the code and iframe are rendering but no message is showing. is there anything I need to set up paypal end?I am using the below code to generate message <script src=

Authorize once and debit more often/always

Hello all, I'm currently trying to get the PHP-SDK to allow me to set up my account only once, like on Ebay or Spotify, and then I, as the owner of the site, can collect the monthly amount from the Paypal account. With the subscriptions I have alread...
